Unlocking Chat GPT: Safe & Productive AI at Work, Diane Gilson, Info Plus Consulting
Tuesday, April 8 , 2025 | 11:30am - 1:00pm
BRAG Ann Arbor Lower Level, 179 Little Lake Drive Ann Arbor
Registration required. Lunch will be provided.
PRESENTER: Diane Gilson, Info Plus Consulting
The schedule and topics will be:
Section | Time |
Welcome and Introduction | 5 minutes |
Common Myths and Misconceptions | 10 minutes |
Chat GPT (& Other AI) Options | 5 minutes |
AI Applications Across Industries | 10 minutes |
AI for Every Role | 10 minutes |
Interactive Problem-Solving Session | 20 minutes |
Best Practices & Sample AI Policy Resource | 5 minutes |
Closing Remarks and Call to Action | 5 minutes |
Fees apply:
Remodelers Council Members: $10
(See the list of Remodelers Council Members here.)
BRAG Members: $20
Non-members: $50
Annual Remodelers Council dues: $50
Annual BRAG Ann Arbor Membership dues: $396
Builder's License Continued Competency Class
Friday, April 25 , 2025 | 9:00am - 12:00pm
BRAG Ann Arbor Lower Level, 179 Little Lake Drive Ann Arbor
Registration required. Lunch will be provided.
3 Hour Class - Required information for Builder's License renewal
PRESENTER: Contractors Training Institute
Members: $90 | Non-Members: $110
Lead Paint Certified Renovator:
8-hour RRP Initial Certification Class (On-line & in-person HYBRID CLASS)
Friday, April 25 , 2025 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm
BRAG Ann Arbor Lower Level, 179 Little Lake Drive Ann Arbor
Payment due upon registration. Fee must be paid to enter class.
Check In begins at 12:30pm
Class begins promptly at 1:00pm (You must be here at the start of class to get credit)
PRESENTER: Contractors Training Institute
This is an EPA-required "Blended" class, which means you must take part of this class in person for a Review, Hands-On, & Final Test in person. You can make your in-person class selection from the class dates listed below. You must receive a score of at least 80% on the online portion. The online portion must be completed 48 hours prior to the class date. Course certification is valid for 5 years.
This course is the EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP), which is a one-day course that provides basic lead-based paint information to contractors who perform renovations, repairs, and painting activities in houses built before 1978 or child-occupied facilities, as required by EPA and the State of Michigan. Course topics include: lead characteristics, uses, health effects on adults and children, lead-safe work practices to minimize lead-containing dust during work activities, negative lead assessments, clean-up procedures, post-cleaning verification, personal protection equipment, training of non-certified workers, and documentation. Includes course exam.
Successful completion of this course and award of the training certificate qualify the trainee as a Certified Renovator. EPA required, by April 22, 2010, for all contractors who work in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities, including renovation contractors, maintenance workers in multi-family housing, painters, building supervisors & landlords, homeowners who are planning to remodel, and other specialty trades (plumbers, heating & cooling, electricians). We offer two (2) different courses: First, the day-long (8 hours) training seminar will provide a certificate to individuals Second, the ½ day (4 hours) training seminar for current certified Lead Supervisors all of who will become designated as “EPA Certified Lead Renovators” In Class: Learn proper Lead-Safe setup, work practices, and cleaning on renovation jobs. Learn about the Lead Paint pamphlet that renovators are required to hand out. Includes all books, handouts & paperwork for applying for your EPA certification.
The Certified Lead Renovator: *Must be present at each worksite for Target Housing (pre-1978) or Child Occupied Facilities (schools & daycare) * must be on-site at each impacted building on a daily basis * must be at the job-site during paint testing, signposting, work area set-up and clean-up phases of the work. * Provide training to the non-certified work staff that will be working on buildings affected by this regulation. * NOTE: Each contractor performing work that disturbs lead-based paint must have their own Certified Lead Renovator present – not just one per job site. *** This course is approved for builders continuing education credit hours.
You must register with the education company below 3-days prior to class
BRAG Ann Arbor Member Price $220.00
Non-Member Price $240.00
Visit our full calendar here.
Video Training Program Discount
Improve your team's knowledge and skills with expert-led online education that helps you and your team build smarter.
Featuring over 40 courses to support growing career paths in the trades taught by industry-leading professionals.
• How to Read Blueprints
• Introduction to Power Tools
• Layout, Floor and Wall Framing
• Construction Math
• How to Install Windows and Doors
• Plumbing Basics: Cutting, Joining,
and Forming Pipe
- See the Course List and Info here (PDF)
- Contact us for the coupon code for 15% off your "a la carte" purchase. Call 734-996-0100 or email pnowakowski@bragannarbor.com
- If an owner or manager would like to work directly with our team on a custom training plan, please email support@mtcopeland.com (a group rate will be included)
- Learn more at www.MTCopeland.com
Change Took Effect August 26th, 2019 - Builders Licenses must be renewed online only.
Verify a license at https://aca3.accela.com/LARA/Default.aspx
New OSHA Silica Rule May Effect You and Protect Your Workers
September 23, 2017 - A New Rule Requiring Engineering Controls to Keep Workers from Breathing Silica Dust Took Effect
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a final rule to curb lung cancer, silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kidney disease in America's workers by limiting their exposure to respirable crystalline silica. The rule is comprised of two standards, one for Construction and one for General Industry and Maritime. Read more on the OSHA website
Also, read a related article for "What Contractors Need to Know" about the new rule, or visit MIOSHA online at the LARA site.
Learn more about the BRAG Ann Arbor Event Center here. Our private meeting spaces can be rented out to members AND to the public.